Monthly Archives: September 2024

A little kindness is never wasted….





Today, I spoke with someone I hadn’t talked to in a long time. I initially reached out because I needed her help with something, but what I didn’t expect was that, when I called, she would be the one needing my help. Life is funny that way. She’s going through a bit of a crisis at the moment—feeling raw and shaken.

It was easy for me to offer her constructive, neutral advice over the phone, since I’m not emotionally tied to her situation. She listened, and we talked for a while. At one point, she said, “You were sent to me today, Shane.” She needed a bit of practical psychology, and I was happy to provide it. She appreciated it so much.

I’ve often spoken about the power of compassion, and she was equally eager to help me with my own concerns. In the end, that’s what it’s all about. If we all looked out for each other more, reached out more, and invested in kindness, the world would be a much better place.

We are naturally kind; it’s only the stresses of life that dim that light. Kindness is like a circle—it has no end. But there’s a void both inside and outside the circle. To experience the true benefits of kindness, we all need to become part of its circumference.
(C) Shane Martin